CMSA Constitution

Constitution & By-Laws of the CMSA

  1. The name of the Association is “Coquitlam Minor Softball Association”.
  1. The purposes of the Association are as follows:

    a) to promote & encourage good citizenship & sportsmanship among the members and players of the association;
    b) to promote the game of amateur softball for girls & young women and boys & young men in and about the District of Coquitlam, in the Province of British Columbia; and
    c) to organize, establish and operate amateur girls & boys softball teams and leagues.

  2. This association shall maintain affiliation with Softball BC & shall observe all rules and regulations by which this Association is governed (alterable).
  1. On the dissolution or winding-up of the association, any assets of the association remaining after all debts have been paid, or provision for payment has been made, shall vest in and be transferred to another organization or society having similar objects as may be determined by the members of the Association at the time of winding-up or dissolution (unalterable).



  1. In these By-Laws, unless the context otherwise requires:
    a) “Association” means the COQUITLAM MINOR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION; and
    b) “Executive” means the duly elected officers of the Association.

  2. Words importing the singular include the plural & vice-versa & words importing a male person include a female person & a corporation.


  1. A member of the Association shall be anyone who is nineteen years of age or older who:
    a) is a subscriber of the Constitution & By-Laws;
    b) is a parent or guardian of a duly registered player in the Association;
    c) is taking an active part in the activities of the Association;
    d) is admitted to the membership in the Association by the Executive;
    e) in all cases has not ceased to be a member.
  1. Every member shall uphold the Constitution & comply with the By-laws of the Association.
  2. The annual membership fee, if any, shall be determined annually by the Executive.
  3. Membership shall expire unless renewed on the date of the annual registration of players.
  4. A person shall also cease to be a member of the Association:
    a) by delivering his resignation in writing to the Secretary of the Association or by mailing or delivering it to the address of the Association
    b) on their death; and
    c) on being expelled.

  5. A member may be expelled by a motion passed by a two-thirds majority of the Executive. In determining the expulsion, regard shall be given to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association, and to the rules and regulations of the Canadian Amateur Softball Association and Softball BC. A member who is the subject of a motion for expulsion shall have the opportunity to be heard prior to the putting of the motion to a vote.
  1. The President of the Association or any member of the Executive duly authorized in writing by the President may suspend, for such cause or reason, any member of the Association as the President or other authorized member of the Executive may, in their sole discretion, deem advisable. Such suspension shall commence immediately upon communication of the suspension either orally or in writing and shall continue until the next meeting of the Executive, at which time the Executive, after giving the suspended member an opportunity to be heard, shall reinstate the member or suspend the member for such further period of time as the Executive may, in its sole discretion, deem advisable or expel the member from the Association.
  1. A member is in good standing unless he is a member who is under suspension or who has failed to pay any debt due and owing by him to the Association. He shall not be in good standing for so long as he remains under suspension or the debt remains unpaid. Any member not in good standing forfeits all rights, privileges, claims and interests accorded a member of the Association.


  1. An annual general meeting shall be held each year and shall be called by the President.
  1. Every general meeting other than an annual general meeting is an extraordinary general meeting. The Executive may, whenever it thinks fit, convene an extraordinary general meeting.
  1. Notice of a general meeting shall specify the place, the day and the hour of the meeting and, in the case of special business, the general nature of that business. Such notice shall be given not less than 14 days prior to the meeting. The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to, or the non-receipt of notice by, any of the members entitled to receive notice does not invalidate proceedings at that meeting.
  1. The Executive shall, upon the written requisition of 10% or more of the members of the Association, forthwith convene a general meeting of the Association. The requisition shall state the purpose of the general meeting, be signed by the requisitionists be delivered or sent by registered mail to the address of the Association. The President shall call a general meeting within 21 days after the receipt of the requisition.


  1. Special business of the Association shall be considered to be:
    a) all business at an extraordinary general meeting except the adoption of rules of order; and
    b) the business which is transacted at an annual general meeting except:

    1)   the adoption of rules of order;
    2)   the consideration of the financial statements;
    3)   the report of the Executive;
    4)   the election of the Executive: and
    5)   other business, as under these By-Laws ought to be transacted at an annual meeting, or business which is brought under consideration by the report of the Executive issued with the notice convening the meeting.
  1. Unless a quorum is present at a general meeting, no business other than the adjournment or termination of the meeting shall be conducted. If, during a general meeting, there ceases to be a quorum present, business in progress shall be suspended until a quorum is again present or until the meeting is adjourned or terminated. For the purpose of these By-Laws, a quorum consists of at least ten members in good standing present at a general meeting.
  1. In the event of sufficient number of members in good standing are not present at a general meeting within one-half hour from the time appointed for the meeting, or where the meeting is adjourned under section 16, it shall stand adjourned for two weeks and shall then be held at the same time in the same place whether or not a quorum is present.
  1. The President of the Association, or the Vice-President, or, in the absence of both, one of the other members of the Executive present, shall preside as chairman of all general meetings of the Association.
  1. Any meeting of the Association or of the Executive may be adjourned to another time and such business must be transacted from the time at which such adjournment took place.
  1. At any annual general meeting (AGM), the following shall be the order of business:
    a) roll call;
    b) credentials;
    c) reading of minutes and action thereon;
    d) correspondence;
    e) accounts;
    f) committees;
    g) unfinished business;
    h) election of the members of the Executive;
    i) new business;
    j) adjournment.
  1. At all meetings of the Association, voting shall be decided by a show of hands unless the meeting decides on a ballot.
  1. Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote. There shall be no proxy votes.
  1. At all meetings of the Association, the chairman shall not have a vote except for the purpose of breaking a tie.


  1. Applications by girls and young women and boys and young men for registration to play in the Association’s minor softball programme may be accepted, giving the player the right to play the game, subject to the rules and regulation of the Association, provided:
    a) proof of age is provided;
    b) the place of residence and phone number is given;
    c) the name of parent or guardian, their address and phone number is given;
    d) they shall have paid, or caused to be paid on their behalf, the player registration fee established by the Executive, which may be different for each age or division;
    e) they shall be eligible by all applicable Canadian Amateur Softball Association and Softball BC rules to participate in the game of softball; and
    f) notwithstanding the applicant’s compliance with the foregoing conditions, the final decision for acceptance or rejection of an application shall be made by the Executiv
  1. Players shall wear equipment which meets the regulations of the Canadian Amateur Softball Association and Softball BC and must comply with any further equipment regulations concerning safety as set forth by the Association. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Executive shall be empowered to issue playing rules and regulations and is further empowered to enforce them.


  1. The Executive shall be elected at the annual general meeting and its term of office shall begin September 1st of the current year.
  1. The executive shall be responsible for managing and/or supervising the management of the affairs of the Association and may exercise any and all the powers of the Association and shall remain in office until their successors take office.
  1. The Executive shall be subject to:
    a) all the laws affecting the Association;
    b) the By-Laws; and
    c) any resolutions adopted at any general meeting
  1. No decision made by the Association in a general meeting invalidates a prior act of the Executive which would have been valid if that decision had not been made.
  1. The officers forming the original Executive are those members subscribing to the Constitution and By-Laws. Subsequent officers shall be those who are elected at a general meeting, or appointed to vacant offices which are unfilled following an annual general meeting, or which become vacant during the term of office, shall comprise the Executive of the Association.
  1. The Executive of the Association shall be comprised of the following officers:
    a) President;
    b) Vice-President;
    c) Secretary;
    d) Treasurer;
    e) Registrar;
    f) Equipment Manager;
    g) Scheduling and Field Allocation Manager;
    h) Umpire-in-Chief;
    i) Tournament Director;
    j) House Coordinator;
    k) Representative Team Director;
    l) Uniform Coordinator;
    m) Communications Coordinator;

  2. The Executive may, at any time, appoint a member as an officer to fill a vacancy in the Executive. The officer so appointed holds office until the next annual general meeting of the Association, but is eligible for election at said meeting subject to all the provisions herein contained. The executive may appoint persons to various team and league-related positions and the duties and terms of office shall be such as the Executive designate.
  1. The Executive may, by a two-thirds majority vote, remove an officer before the expiration of their term of office and may appoint a successor from the Association membership to the office until the next annual general meeting.
  1. Nominations for officers will be accepted from the floor at the annual general meeting, in addition to the slate of candidates submitted by the nominating committee. In the event two or more persons are nominated for any position with the Association, the successful candidate shall be required to poll at least a majority of the total votes cast. If necessary, this will be established by elimination voting, whereby the nominee receiving the least votes shall be dropped successively until a nominee shall have the required number of votes.
  1. No person shall be eligible for election as an officer unless he is a member in good standing.
  2. No officer shall receive remuneration for being or acting as a member of the Executive but shall be reimbursed for all expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred while engaged in the affairs of the Association. Any member of the Executive claiming expenses shall submit proof thereof in a form satisfactory to the Executive and shall be reimbursed only after the said expenses have been approved by the Executive.


  1. The President or the Vice-President or, in the absence of both, one of the other officers present, shall preside as chairman at any meeting of the Executive.
  1. The President or any five officers may, and the Secretary on the requisition of the President or any five officers shall, at such times and places as they think fit, summon a meeting of the Executive.
  1. A quorum at any Executive meeting shall consist of a majority of the members of the Executive holding office at the time of the meeting.
  1. The executive shall have the power to make and enforce rules and regulations governing the affairs of the Association and the suspension of members or players. A copy of such rules and regulations shall be made available, without charge, to the members and players of the Association.
  1. Questions arising at any meeting of the Executive or committees shall be decided by a majority of votes. In the case of an equality of votes, the chairman shall have a tie-breaking vote.
  1. The Executive may designate any of their powers to committees consisting of such member or members of the Association as they think fit and appoint the chairman thereof. Any committee so formed shall, in the exercise of the powers so delegated, conform to any terms of reference or regulations that may be imposed on them by the Executive. The chairman of such committee so appointed shall be required to attend Executive meetings upon request and to report plans which must be approved by the Executive. The chairman of a committee shall also report to the earliest meeting of the Executive held following completion of a project or assignment.


  1. The President shall preside at all general meetings of the Association and of the Executive and generally perform the duties usual to the office of the President and may, at his discretion, order the calling of meetings of the Association. It shall be the duty of the President, before each annual general meeting, to appoint a nominating committee.
  1. The Vice-President shall carry out the duties of the President during his absence and shall assist the President as called upon.
  1. The Secretary shall:
    a) be responsible for giving notification of meetings of the Association and of the Executive;
    b) prepare and retain custody of minutes or proceedings of the annual general meeting, special general meetings, Executive meetings and any other meetings of the Association;
    c) conduct all correspondence of the Association; and
    d) carry out such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive.

In the absence of the Secretary, the President shall appoint any member to act as recording Secretary     at any meeting.

  1. The Treasurer shall:
    a) be responsible for keeping financial records, including books of account as are necessary to
    show the financial condition of the Association;
    b) render financial statements to the Executive, members and other persons as required;
    c) deposit all monies to the credit of the Association in a chartered bank, credit union or trust company; and
    d) carry out such duties as may be prescribed by the Executive.
  1. The Registrar shall:
    a) be responsible for registering all members into the Association and all players into any insurance plan as required;
    b) be responsible for registering all players and teams
    c) collect all membership dues and player registration fees and remit same to the Treasurer;
    d) keep in one or more books, a register of the members of the Association and to enter therein the names of the subscribers of the Constitution and By-laws and the name of every person who is admitted as a member of the Association, together with the following:

(1) the full name and resident address of the member; and

(2) the date on which a person is admitted as a member;
          e) keep a register of all players registered with the Association; and
          f) carry out such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive.

  1. The Equipment Manager shall:
    a) issue equipment at the start of the season to appointed coaches, keep a record of such issuance, account for the equipment at the close of the season and make arrangements for proper storage of the equipment that is collected at the close of the season;
    b) obtain at least two bids in writing for equipment purchases and submit same to the Executive for approval;
    c) issue replacement equipment to appointed coaches when necessary;
    d) report to the Association, at its annual general meeting, the state of the equipment of the Association; and
    e) carry out such duties as may be prescribed by the Executive.
  1. The scheduling and Field Allocation Manager shall:
    a) be responsible for scheduling of games and the assignment of playing fields to teams;
    b) attend District Parks and Recreation meetings to ensure that sufficient and proper playing fields are made available for the playing of minor softball; and
    c) carry out such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive.
  1. The Umpire in Chief shall:
    a) organize clinics and seminars for coaches and umpires to promote a better understanding of the rules, regulations and responsibilities among the members involved in the game of softball;
    b) be responsible for the obtaining and distribution of rule books each year;
    c) be responsible for the organization of tests for umpires, the marking of same and the issuance of tickets as prescribed by Softball BC;
    d) rule on all game protests within the Association’s jurisdiction after hearing both coaches, the game umpires and with due regard to the rules of the game as outlined in the current Official Canadian Amateur Softball Association rule book and the rules as set out by the Executive; and
    e) carry out such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive.
  1. The Tournament Director shall:
    a) be responsible for coordinating all tournaments held in Coquitlam comprising the scheduling of dates and fields for both house tournaments and District #14 Invitational Tournaments;
    b) be responsible for the obtaining of field use permits as required from the Parks and Recreations Department and/or School Board; and
    c) carry out such other duties as prescribed by the Executive.
  1. The House Coordinator shall:
  1. coordinate the activities of one or more of the following divisions:
    1) T-ball players aged 6 and 7
    2) Mite players aged 8 and 9
    3) Squirt players aged 10 and 11
    4) PeeWee players aged 12 and 13
    5) Bantam players aged 14 and 15
    6) Midget players aged 16, 17, and 18; and
    7) Junior players aged 19, 20, 21 & 22

    The above ages shall be the age of the player as of January 1st of the current calendar year;
    b) be responsible for keeping an up-to-date record of:
    1) the player’ names, ages & telephone numbers;
    2) the coaches’ names, addresses & telephone numbers;
    3) the team names:
    c) act as liaison between coaches & the Executive; and
    d) carry out such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive.
  1. The Representative Team Director shall;
    a) administer, or be responsible for supervising the administration of, the representative team program of the Association; and carry out such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive.
  1. The Uniform Coordinator shall:
    a) manage and maintain the CMSA Uniform inventory
    b) purchase new uniforms as required
    c) manage the ordering and sale of CMSA apparel (i.e. Sweatshirts)
    d) ensure the Coquitlam ‘brand’ is maintained (including colors and logos)
    e) liaise with suppliers (i.e. Prostock) for uniform related activities
    f) manage the uniform deposits and ensuring uniforms are returned at the end of the season
    g) carry out such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive
  1. The Communications Coordinator shall coordinate all special events and fund raising and shall carry out such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive.


  1. A person must apply to the Executive to participate as a coach, manager, umpire or other official. The Executive, by a two-thirds majority vote, shall appoint all coaches, managers, umpires and other officials each year. Any such appointment may be rescinded by a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive. All coaches, managers, umpires and other officials shall be under the direction and supervision of the Executive.


  1. For the purpose of carrying out the objectives of the Association, the Executive may borrow or raise any sum of money from any bank, banks, persons or corporation which may be selected by the Executive, upon the issuance of debentures, mortgages or otherwise, and on such terms as they think proper, and may execute or empower any person or persons on behalf of the Association to execute all acts and deeds necessary, provided always that such actions shall be taken only upon the passing of a special resolution of the Association. For the purposes of carrying out the objectives of the Association, the Executive may also purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire, hold any real or personal property, or any interest therein, that the Association may think necessary or convenient and may mortgage, let, improve and develop the same and erect and maintain any necessary building or structures therein.
  1. Such funds as are obtained by the Executive shall be disbursed at the Executive’s discretion.


  1. Accounts shall be kept in the name of the Association at a bank, credit union or trust company selected by the Executive.
  1. All cheques shall be signed by any two signing officers. The signing officers shall be the President, Vice-President and the Treasurer.


  1. The financial year of the Association shall be from September 1 to August 31.













Page 12 of Constitution and By-laws of the CMSA




  1. The books of account, records and minutes of the Association shall be retained and opened for

inspection by the members during such time as the Executive shall designate.




  1. The Constitution and By-laws of the Association shall not be altered or added to except by

special resolution at the annual general meeting or a general meeting.


  1. Proposed amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws must be received by the Secretary at

least four weeks prior to the date of the annual general meeting. Notice of a proposed amendment to either the Constitution or the By-Laws, or both, shall be duly entered into the minutes and a copy of the approved amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws made available to every member of the Association in good standing.


  1. The majority required to pass a special resolution shall be three-quarters of the members in

good standing present at the annual general meeting or general meeting.

Upcoming Events

Apr. 11, 2025 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Coquitlam Moody Celebration of Softball - Rep Night
Mundy Park - Field 5

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Apr. 12, 2025 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Coquitlam Moody Celebration of Softball
Mundy Park

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Jun. 13, 2025 to Jun. 15, 2025

2024/2025 Districts
Port Coquitlam

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