Want to Be an Umpire?
Umpiring with the CMSA
Umpires are the backbone of every softball game, and an important part of our association. We are actively recruiting new and seasoned umpires to join "Team Blue".
What do I need to be an umpire?
- If you're 12 and above and have a genuine love for softball, or a desire to dive a little deeper and see the game from a whole new angle, umpiring is for you. A willing attitude, some basic gear (CMSA will provide all equipment except pants, shoes, belt, brush, clicker, and bag), and a little training is all you need.
- How do you become a certified umpire?
- All umpires must be certified by Softball BC before stepping behind the plate. Umpiring clinics are offered throughout the year both online and in person. To learn more and find a clinic near you, visit the Softball BC website.
Apply to become a paid CMSA umpire by emailing pres@coquitlamsoftball.com.