Why is There a Volunteer Bond?


The main purpose of the Coquitlam Moody Softball Association (CMSA) Volunteer Bond Program is to encourage all members of CMSA to assist in the operation of the association. Maintaining a high quality, and affordable softball program, such as ours in Coquitlam, requires huge amounts of effort from a variety of individuals. In the past, the trend has been that this work falls on a far too small group of volunteer board members, coaches, managers, and parents. As the association grows, becomes more successful, and takes on more, having the same 5% or 10% of volunteers doing the work is not sustainable. As individuals burn out, have kids that age out of the association, or have other circumstances that change, it leaves major gaps as those key volunteers step away. The Volunteer Bond Program is designed to do a better job of sharing the volunteer load amongst all members of the association.

Why is there a volunteer bond when I already pay registration fees?

registration fees alone account for less than half of the Coquitlam Moody Softball Association program funding. For too many years, the volunteering component has been done by the same 5% of members. Having 5% of the membership do 100% of the work is not sustainable for Coquitlam Moody Softball Association, and ultimately puts the program quality at risk, as people burn out. The Volunteer Bond Program is a necessary measure to ensure that this volunteer load is spread more equally throughout the membership. It is also meant to create a community of shared ownership among the members, which is a healthy one for any association.

The alternative to the Volunteer Bond program is to more than double current Coquitlam Moody Softball registration fees.

What will funds from the bond fee be used for?

Funds from the Volunteer Bond Program will be used to pay for other individuals to perform the tasks that members are not able to volunteer for.

Is the Volunteer Bond Program mandatory?

Yes, every family who has a child registered in Coquitlam Moody Softball from U13 up must take part in the Volunteer Bond Program.

Can I choose to not volunteer and pay the bond fee outright?

Yes, if you choose to not volunteer at all, you have the option of paying the Volunteer Bond Program fee during registration (select the Volunteer Bond Opt-Out Package). In this circumstance, the fee will be charged at $400 / per family registered in CMSA.


It is EACH FAMILY’S OWN responsibility to ensure they meet the program commitment and to ensure they report their credits to their team managers

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Volunteer Bond commitment is to the Association. Not your team

  1. Members have an obligation to their team(s) to support & ensure there is sufficient volunteer coverage throughout the season, regardless of the status of their Association Volunteer Bond (VB)
  2. Although a Members’ VB may be completed, Member’s MUST STILL contribute at the team level ensuring workloads are shared, and positions covered.

Value of Bond

  • $350 per family for Rep and House League

If you have a child playing in both the Rep Program and House League Program, you are ONLY required to fulfill one Volunteer Bond requirement.

Upcoming Events

Apr. 11, 2025 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Coquitlam Moody Celebration of Softball - Rep Night
Mundy Park - Field 5

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Apr. 12, 2025 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Coquitlam Moody Celebration of Softball
Mundy Park

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Jun. 13, 2025 to Jun. 15, 2025

2024/2025 Districts
Port Coquitlam

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