
Welcome Coaches to the 2024/2025 season!!!

HELP! I am a new coach. What should I Do?

First of all, thank you for stepping up to coach. Your time and commitment are greatly appreciated! Make sure you have completed your criminal check and have sent it to the CMSA President ( As a volunteer this will be free of charge if it is filled out online.

Criminal Record Check

Criminal Record Link:
Account: ZUJ3JUSVN3

What are my responsibilities as a Coach?

At the minimum the head coach arranges for the equipment to be brought to games and practices, makes up the batting order, assigns positions on the field, and conducts a warm up before games. The coach should be familiar with the rules of softball and the basic fundamentals of how to throw, catch, and hit the ball and be able to teach these basic skills to the players. The coach should be prepared to organize at least 1 practice per week where he/she will lead the team in practicing the fundamentals. The league will assist new coaches in preparing a practice plan to teach these fundamentals. At U9 and U11 levels there are group practices on Saturdays led by the association.   

First - Getting organized

At the coaches meeting you will receive a team list and a schedule if available. You will need to contact your players asap and arrange a team meeting. The team meeting is an opportunity to get everyone together and discuss the upcoming season and figure out who is doing what (see 'Get Help'). The league will provide you with an equipment bag (balls, bats, scorebooks, etc.), team uniforms, and some sample practice plans to get you going!   

Second - Get help (delegate)

Get your team parents involved. The coach should be able to focus on what is happening on the field, not be setting up the bases or dealing with other distractions. Make sure you find:

  • 1 or 2 Assistant coaches to assist you with warmup, practices, and base coaching
  • A team manager who is able to manage the team list, send out information about games, practices, etc.
  • A Field crew responsible for setting up and taking down the bases and lining the fields. This can be a rotating responsibility involving all parents
  • These roles should be assigned at the 1st team meeting (to be called within a week of receiving your team list). Get as many parents involved as you can. Remember you are a coach not a babysitter!

Coaching Certification

For levels U13C and up it is required that coaches have their Level 1 Coaching certificate. If you are interested in a team at that level you can check out the available clinics offered on the Softball BC site. The association will reimburse the cost for 1 coach per team per year. For more information below

We're here to help!

The CMSA has a number of experienced, qualified coaches who are happy to help new coaches get over the rough patches. Our House Coordinator ( is available to answer any questions you might have. When you are ready the CMSA also sponsors 1 coach per team per year to attend a Softball BC Level 1 or Level training certification program. Coaches Clinics

Have FUN!

Coaching is a great opportunity to have a positive impact on the life of a young person. As you will no doubt find out, there is a great sense of personal satisfaction and accomplishment in being a coach!

Upcoming Events

Apr. 11, 2025 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Coquitlam Moody Celebration of Softball - Rep Night
Mundy Park - Field 5

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Apr. 12, 2025 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Coquitlam Moody Celebration of Softball
Mundy Park

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Jun. 13, 2025 to Jun. 15, 2025

2024/2025 Districts
Port Coquitlam

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